
Friday, July 3, 2009

More Brydee and Brielle

I didn't get the chance to post these before work. My beautiful girlies. I owe Aunty Col and Uncle Greg so much for bringing them into the world.








Also sorry for the extreme taging, but better to be safe than sorry :P
Surely you can understand.

Random awesomes from my browsings of photobucket

Chilling on the couch browsing photobucket i have found lots of pretties.....i will have to get around to adding some of my best pics for the blog.


I have no idea what the little shaddow thing is supposed to be, but ignoring that, this is such a cool pic

How cool is this pic


New fav music video

I love this vid

Taylor swift- you belong with me :)

Loveee it

Hmm i think its about that time......

[rant begin]

....That i go gluten/wheat free again. My body is in a horrible state. Telling the honest truth, there is not one part of my body that has not got eczema on it, its absolutly horrible :( Waaahaa.

I think i need to stop eating wheat and get some cortisone cream. The only problem is i can't get a doctors appointment to get a prescription and my mum doens't want me to use that, but, hey, im getting rather desperate, spring will be here before i know it and i will be wanting to wear shorts and skirts again, but i wont be able to because of stupid eczema :(

Ok...[/rant over]

Introducing Brydee and Brielle to the blog

Here they are, my heart and soul. My beautiful sisters. (well we are technically cousins, but we call each other sisters, and thats what we think of each other, and really thats all that matters)

Brydee and Brielle

Brydee is the older one, Brielle is doing the cartwheel.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

All about Me...Danielle.

2nd July 2009
Edition of About Me

Little Miss Disco Sequin

Full Name: Danielle Jean Martin
DOB: 9th January 1990
Location: Newcastle Australia
Uni: The University of Newcastle Australia
Degree: Bachelor of Nursing- 2008-2010
School: Toronto High School - 2002-2007
Job: Check Out Chick- Coles

Color: Red
Food: Chicken Snitzel
Girls Name: Catherine
Boys Name: Evan
Drink: Red Vitamin Water
Clothing Brand: Billabong
Shoe type: Thongs (aka flip flops haha)
Shoe Brand: Havaiana's
Clothing Shop: JayJay's
TV Shows: Scrubs, Friends & Full House

Love's and Like's
*Anything Shiney
*Studying Religion- even though i don't believe in anything religious
* Gothic Architechture
* Old Buildings
* Historic Churches

Awk, that will do for now.


Yep i've got them all.

Visit meeeee :)

<3 alright i really got to go to work now, or i'll be late


Hey there, and welcome to my blog.
I am Danielle. I am 19 years old. I am a dancer and have danced since i was four years old. I am a second year student at the University of Newcastle studying a bachelor of nursing, which when i graduate i will be qualified as a registered nurse. I am half way through my degree already, which actually has me terrified. AHH.

Well thats all for the moment as i have to be off to work in a half hour :( oh well. I need the money.